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New Mexico Divorce and Family Law Attorneys in Albuquerque and Las Cruces

New Mexico Divorce & Family Law Attorneys

Divorce & Family Law Without the Drama

Don’t believe the hype! Despite all the horror stories and people insisting that divorce has to be a horrible process, it actually doesn’t. But experiencing a healthy and productive divorce starts with finding the right divorce lawyer and the right divorce process. With offices in Albuquerque, Las Cruces, and Rio Rancho, meeting with one of our top family attorneys is the first stop on your journey.

What Type of Divorce is Right For You?

Start by educating yourself on the options available to understand what makes the most sense for your specific situation. We provide representation for ALL types of divorces, including uncontested divorce, mediated divorce, collaborative divorce, litigated divorce, and limited scope representation. Knowing where you stand will help us guide you to the attorney ready to strategically present your case.

Uncontested Divorce

When spouses are in general agreement about getting a divorce and dividing up assets and debts they may be able to have an uncontested divorce.

Mediated Divorce

In a mediated divorce, one attorney handles the case and acts as a neutral third party in which they provide no legal advice but help both spouses work toward resolution.

Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative divorce is a specialized divorce process that is completely controlled by the parties and their attorneys with an upfront agreement to avoid litigation.

Litigated Divorce

Litigation is when your attorney files a petition for divorce and takes it through procedural steps for litigation which may include numerous hearings and possibly a trial.

Why Our Albuquerque Divorce Lawyers Are the Right Lawyers for Your Case

Divorce cases most often go wrong because of the attorneys handling the case, and the techniques (or lack of techniques) that are used in the case. We are right for your case and different from other law firms because:

  • Our attorneys ONLY practice in the area of divorce and family law. This has allowed us to develop specialized knowledge and practice techniques in this area. Our lawyers are not distracted by handling a multitude of cases in other areas of the law and we have nine (9) lawyers on our team, so we always have the right fit for your case.
  • We provide representation for ALL types of divorces that might be right for you, including mediation, collaborative divorce, uncontested divorce, limited scope representation, and litigation
  • Our firm is completely client-focused. So we will always guide you through your case in the way that is most beneficial to you, based upon the outcomes that are most important to you.

Family Law in New Mexico

Family law is a broad term that covers many different legal needs but most commonly involves child custody, child support, or spousal support. An experienced family lawyer is a valuable asset for families going through the types of difficulties.

New Mexico Child Custody

We help clients determine the best way to reach a child custody agreement that is beneficial for the family. When our clients understand all of the options available, it increases the chances of them arranging a child custody agreement that best suits the needs of the children.

New Mexico Child Support

In New Mexico, parents have the option of reaching a child support agreement on their own or having it decided by the court. Ideally, the child support obligations of each parent are fairly based on their financial circumstances and adequately cover all of the child’s needs. We represent people who are trying to establish child support or need legal assistance in getting a child support order enforced.

New Mexico Spousal Support 

Alimony, also called spousal support, is an amount of money awarded by the court from one spouse to the other as continuing support after the marriage has ended. Under the family laws of New Mexico, alimony or spousal support may be temporary, permanent, or transitional. Alimony or spousal support may also be modifiable or non-modifiable as determined by the Court or by agreement of the parties. Our alimony attorneys can help establish or modify an existing spousal support plan.

Over the years, because of this and because of our extensive knowledge of New Mexico divorce and family law, we have earned the trust of Albuquerque residents in need of legal counsel, as well as clients throughout the state of New Mexico. In the process, New Mexico Legal Group has gained a reputation as an extremely effective legal advocate for divorce and family law clients in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, Las Cruces, and other cities all over New Mexico.

Free Case Evaluation

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Divorce lawyer New Mexico

We Can Carry the Burden of Your Divorce for You

The good news about hiring a properly qualified divorce & family lawyer is that your lawyer will take on much of the worry, hard work, and strategic thinking that is necessary to resolve your case successfully. The attorneys at our firm are especially skilled at developing a strategy that will get you through your divorce in the best way that is available to you – with the best outcomes, least cost, and least emotional stress possible. We can be as aggressive or cooperative as your case requires. And we are always exploring creative ways to get you the outcomes you need and deserve


Need Legal Assistance From a New Mexico Divorce & Family Law Attorney?

Call New Mexico Legal Group at 505.843.7303 or get started with a free case evaluation.

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Contact Us

Email: info@newmexicolegalgroup.com

(505) 843-7303

Albuquerque Office
2701 Arizona Street NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
(505) 843-7303

Las Cruces Office
300 S Water St.
Las Cruces, NM 88001
(575) 339-2100

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