Get To Know Janine
Dedicated and Resilient
Janine was raised in Albuquerque NM, a graduate of Eldorado High School, and UNM for her undergraduate degree in Political Science. She graduated from the University of New Mexico School of Law and has worked almost exclusively in the area of family law, with a short period of time in criminal law.
Prior to law school, Janine worked with children and families in the behavioral health field and with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. During law school, she worked with immigrants assisting in obtaining U-Visas and VAWA Petitions, assisted in an Amicus Brief in opposition of fracking in the Chaco Canyon, and interned with the Law Offices of the Public Defender.
Janine Caller’s experience includes representing clients in divorce, custody, kinship guardianship, orders of protection, grandparent visitation, stepparent adoption, child support and spousal support cases.
She is a member of the family law bar and served for a year as the liaison for the family law section of the bar and YLD.
Outside of work Janine enjoys spending time with her significant other, two children, a husky and a beta.
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