As a parent going through a divorce, the well-being of your children is always at the forefront of your mind. Not only do you need to think about your own needs, but you also have to think about your child’s needs to make sure that they are taken care of and that their best interests are being protected. This is why it is so important to look for qualified family lawyers for children in Albuquerque who can truly help you with your case. This article will help you understand what to look for when choosing a family lawyer to represent you and your family.
Protecting the Best Interests of the Child
The best interests of the child are always the top priority in any custody case. This means that the court will consider factors such as the child’s age, health, and relationship with each parent when making a decision. The court will also look at which parent can provide the child with a stable home environment and support their needs emotionally and financially.
It is important to note that the best interests of the child are not always the same as what the child wants. For example, a child may want to live with the parent who they spend the most time with but that does not necessarily mean that it is in their best interests. While the court does consider the wants of the child, they will always make its decision based on what is best for the child to ensure they are living in a healthy and safe environment.
What to Look for in Your Albuquerque Family Law Attorney
When you are looking for family lawyers for children in Albuquerque, it is important that you find someone who has experience handling these types of cases so they can be a zealous advocate for you and your children. They should make you feel protected and be able to give you an idea of what to expect during the process. It is also important to find an attorney who you feel comfortable with and can trust to help you through this difficult time.
Furthermore, it is always best to hire a lawyer that specializes in divorce & family law. Don’t hire the jack of all trades. Hire the master of divorce & family law. When you hire a subject matter expert, they understand exactly how to handle your case and know how to prepare you for what to expect. They will also be familiar with the Albuquerque court system. Knowing the ins and outs of Albuquerque courts will help them guide you through the divorce process and handle your case more efficiently.
Determining Child Custody in New Mexico
Like many states, including New Mexico, child custody is determined by what is in the best interests of the child. Joint Custody is typically preferred unless circumstances prevent this from being in the child’s best interests. If one parent is awarded primary custody, the other parent will still be allowed to have parenting time with the child. The amount of time the child spends with each parent will be determined by the court based on what is in the best interests of the child. While this type of custody agreement does not mean physical time with the child is split 50/50, it allows both parents to be active in the child’s life and continue making important decisions that affect the child’s life together.
Child support is also typically ordered in these cases to ensure that both parents are financially supporting the child. The amount of child support ordered will be based on each parent’s income and the needs of the child. Every divorce is different and so is every child custody case. The attorneys a New Mexico Legal group are highly skilled in the areas of divorce and family law and treat each case uniquely so they can protect the best interests of you and your child when it comes to your custody case.
When you are looking for family lawyers for children in Albuquerque, it is important that you find someone who has experience handling both divorce and family law cases. They will be able to understand the circumstances you are facing and better serve your specific needs, all while protecting the best interests of your child. If you have any questions about divorce & family law, contact one of our experienced divorce & family law attorneys today at 505-843-7303.