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New Mexico Legal Group Blog

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Child Custody
How Courts Are Dealing With Child Custody During…

We are lawyers, not doctors so we will not speak directly toward signs, symptoms, spread or treatment of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Divorced adults who co-parent are facing a challenging environment in terms…

dismiss dwi new mexico
How to Get a DWI Dismissed in New…

The dreaded flashing lights in the rear-view mirror. You’re being pulled over and you know you shouldn’t have had that last drink… For many people in New Mexico,…

When Your Daughter Takes the LSAT

I take extreme measures to insulate myself from drama. I restrict people’s access to me, say no to most projects, try to head off the little problems that turn into big problems, and just generally shut…

Divorce Mediation
How to Find the Right Divorce Mediator in…

Why It’s So Hard to Find a Mediator Divorce mediation remains the absolute best way to handle your divorce IF it’s right for your situation. But even when mediation is right for…