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Child Support Attorneys in New Mexico

Can Child Support Orders in New Mexico Be Changed?

Parents in New Mexico have the right to reach a child support agreement independently, or they can have it decided by the court. In an ideal situation, the child support order will be fairly set based on financial circumstances of the parents, along with the other factors that the law requires be considered for a child support calculation. Over time, those factors will change, and a modification is needed. A request can be made for modification of child support orders in New Mexico if there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances. Generally, that means the current Order has been in place for one year and the new calculation is 20% higher or lower than the current amount of support.

Here are some FAQs that relate to child support and the modification of child support orders in New Mexico. 

What Factors Are Used to Calculate Child Support? 

Experienced child support attorneys can assist you with calculating child support based on New Mexico’s guidelines. Factors used for assessing child support payments include: 

  • Each parent’s gross income
  • How many children are involved
  • The cost of health insurance
  • The cost of work-related child care
  • How many days the children are with each parent

What Are the Grounds for Requesting a Modification of Child Support Orders in New Mexico? 

Finances or the social situation of either party in a divorce can change at any time. If your legal agreement no longer works for your current situation, you can request a modification. The reasons for requesting a modification of child support include: 

  • The child is older, and money for daycare expenses is no longer needed. 
  • There has been a medical condition or illness that has increased the child’s healthcare expenses.
  • A parent’s income has changed

How Often Can Child Support Orders in New Mexico be Modified? 

New Mexico law, and most child support orders, allow for either parent to request an annual exchange of financial information. Making the request doesn’t mean that the modification will be granted. Once a parent files a Motion to modify or revisit child support, the court will weigh the necessary factors to determine whether a change should occur. The law requires  that a change is material and substantial if, when using the child support guidelines, the amount of child support would increase or decrease by 20% and more than a year has passed since the original order was made.

Contact Your Child Support Attorney

When requesting a modification of child support orders in New Mexico, it’s essential to consult with a qualified attorney who understands the child support guidelines.

Contact the experienced child support attorneys at New Mexico Legal Group by submitting a free case evaluation or calling us at 505-843-7303 in Albuquerque or 575-339-2100 in Las Cruces.

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Email: info@newmexicolegalgroup.com

(505) 843-7303

Albuquerque Office
2701 Arizona Street NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
(505) 843-7303

Las Cruces Office
300 S Water St.
Las Cruces, NM 88001
(575) 339-2100

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