In today’s legal market, with dozens of attorneys and law firms clamoring to handle your divorce case, it is of the utmost importance to understand what you should really be looking for in a Las Cruces divorce lawyer. Many say they are the best, but very few can actually deliver on that promise.

Things to Know About Divorce
Your Divorce Options in Las Cruces
- UNCONTESTED DIVORCE: If you and your spouse are in general agreement about getting a divorce and dividing up assets and debts, and if you have general understanding about how your cases should be resolved, then you may be able to file an uncontested divorce. This type of divorce takes less time and costs you less money than if your case were to go through litigation. For this option, you will need an attorney who is experienced in negotiation and effective drafting of legal documents.
- MEDIATED DIVORCE: In a mediated divorce, one attorney handles the case and acts as a neutral third party. He or she represents neither spouse and provides no legal advice but helps both spouses work toward a resolution of their case. The process is flexible and confidential, and it keeps you and your spouse in control of your divorce and out of court. Unfortunately, very few lawyers have the experience and skills to mediate a divorce effectively, and many will not even bother to explore this option with you. If you and your spouse can still communicate effectively about the issues in your divorce, mediation should always be explored as a first option in your case.
- COLLABORATIVE DIVORCE: Collaborative divorce is a specialized divorce process that is completely controlled by the parties and their attorneys. The best way to think about it is that it is like building a container around your divorce process, and everything happens within that container, according to your agreements. The parties also build a team of qualified professionals, depending on the unique needs of their case, that help them navigate their divorce, make informed decisions, and ultimately resolve their divorce case in a more efficient, and less emotionally draining manner.
- LITIGATION:Â This is when your attorney files a petition for divorce and takes it through the normal procedural steps for litigation, which may include numerous hearings and possibly a trial. Effective litigation work is highly specialized and requires a very specific set of legal skills.
What You Should Know About Hiring a Las Cruces Divorce Lawyer
- Not all lawyers practice or even understand divorce and family law. A lawyer does not have to specialize or even practice divorce and family law on a regular basis to handle your case. And in fact, many lawyers who will offer to take your case handle only a few divorce cases as part of their overall practice. The problem with this is that law school does not prepare a lawyer to practice competently in this specific area, and it is only through training and experience that these cases can be handled properly. An attorney who invests all of his or her time handling family law cases is more likely to have the knowledge and experience you need to succeed and obtain your best possible resolution.
- Your attorney should have experience in your jurisdiction, in your courthouse, and in front of your judge. Not only should your attorney have experience in divorce and family law; he or she also needs to have experience in your jurisdiction (county), in your courthouse, and in front of your judge. Having that local experience ensures that your attorney knows the decision-makers and how they make rulings on a daily basis. It is critical, especially with family law cases, for your attorney to know the judges in town and how they are likely to rule on a certain case.
- You have many options – but not all divorce lawyers are qualified for all possible divorce options. Even lawyers who handle a large number of divorce and family law cases may not have the skills necessary to provide representation as it relates to all of your divorce options. In particular, divorce and family law has evolved to include a large number of mediated and collaborative divorce cases. If the attorney you are considering hiring does not have experience in these areas, you are greatly limiting your options.
Why Our Las Cruces Divorce Attorneys Are the Right Lawyers for Your Case
- Our attorneys ONLY practice in the area of family law and divorce. This has allowed us to develop specialized knowledge and experience in this area. Our lawyers are not distracted by handling a multitude of cases.
- We provide representation for ALL types of divorces that might be right for you, including mediation, collaborative divorce, uncontested divorce, limited scope representation, and litigation.
- Our firm is completely client-focused. We will always focus on guiding you through your case to a beneficial outcome for YOU.
The benefits of hiring our team of attorneys are that your lawyer will take on much of the worry, hard work, and strategic thinking that is necessary to resolve your case successfully. We will support you to ensure we meet and exceed your expectations.
The Las Cruces divorce lawyer at our firm is especially skilled and flexible at developing a case strategy specific to your outcomes with the least amount of cost and the least amount of emotional stress possible. We can be as aggressive or cooperative as the strategy requires to meet your final results and we are always exploring creative ways to improve to get the outcomes you need and deserve.
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